Promote your books or yourself with The Romance Studio and get noticed!
Please contact us with any questions. Please read our Refund policy before you advertise.
Front Page Promotion
Want THE top ad space on our front page? We’ll feature your latest release on our front page, a genre page, and across our social media venues. $75.
New Release Promotion
Have a new release you’d really like to showcase? We’ll feature it on our front page, a genre page, and across our social media venues. All the good things for $50.
Featured member of TRS? You get this promotion free as part of your membership!
Updated! Banner Ad
Updated! We’ll feature your banner (single frame or animated) for a month for $25.00. Your choice of location, and launch date.
Blog Ad
We’ll feature your book cover on our blog for a month for $5.00.
Cover Ad
We’ll feature your book cover on our site for a month for $15.00. Your choice of location and launch date.
Individual Newsletter
Want TRS to send out a newsletter just for you? Includes graphics, links, and coverage of your latest book or your romance novel-related news for $35 per issue.
Newsletter Ad
Want to see your ad in our bi-monthly newsletter? One image, link, and up to 50 words of text in one issue to our audience for $25.