Susan Hanniford Crowley
Published by: Susan Hanniford Crowley
Price: Kindle $3.99  Paperback $12.99
Genre: Young adult vampire romance
Release date: November 27, 2021

Blurb/Back cover copy: Mother Teresa said, “There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world than for bread.”

For Maeve, every moment on the streets was about two things: where could she find food and a safe warm place to sleep. But today she stood in a crowd transfixed by one of a store’s many Christmas display windows. She allowed herself this time to just be sixteen in New York City.

The faces of the tiny ballerinas were each different, unique. The only thing they shared was that they lived in a sugar plum village and performed a synchronized dance. Maeve stood entranced, remembering when she was five and her mother gave her a ballerina doll. A tear rolled down her cheek and she turned away from the sweet memory.

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Susan’s website: https://susanhannifordcrowley.com/