How To Write A Book Series That Doesn’t Get Stale

Starts September 14th

Cost: $149

Writing a book series can feel like a daunting task, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Gift yourself a built-in audience by cultivating a loyal fanbase eager for every new release. Make the creation of each new book faster and easier using established lore, world-building and characters. Satisfy your creative cravings with long-term storytelling, and build your own stable of Intellectual Property that can serve you well for years – or even decades – to come.

Because when a new reader falls in love with Book One, it’s only natural for them to move right on to Book Two and beyond…

And the best part is that right now you only need one good idea! What seems like a compelling single novel may actually be the spark that ignites a grand legacy.

Covering everything from the basic demands of a series – whether you’re writing Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Romance, or more – all the way through to creating an instantly recognizable brand, Beyond the First Book is here to help you get your series off the ground and into readers’ hearts.

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