Lethal Journey by Kat Martin

Lethal Journey by Kat Martin From their headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey, to the sophistication of London and the glamor of Paris, the riders struggle to survive their lethal journey, and win their quest for Olympic gold. Glamour, adventure, suspense, romance and...

Haunted by Kat Martin

Haunted by Kat Martin A captivating and twisting tale where a murder in 1898 and one in 2024 dovetail and connect in unexpected ways from New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin and perfect for readers of J.A. Jance, Tony Hillerman, and Ramona Emerson’s Shutter....

Win a Copy of Haunted by Kat Martin

Win a Copy of Haunted by Kat Martin Release date: Sep 24, 2024 “Kat Martin is a fast gun when it comes to storytelling, and I love her books.” —#1 New York Times bestselling author Linda Lael MillerIn this spine-tingling tale the New York Times bestselling author...