Writing Emotion Webinar by CeCe Lira

Aug 8, 2024, 08:00 PM EST
What do all great stories have in common? They make us feel, which is why the ability to weave emotion into a story is so important. Indeed, no matter the genre, effectively conveying a range of emotions will draw your readers in from the very start and compel them to read on. The 3+ hour class covers various aspects of weaving emotions into your story, including * active vs. passive emotions; * how to effectively convey emotion (showing vs. telling); * most common mistakes in writing emotion (and how to get it right); * common challenges in writing emotions (and how to turn them into successes); * how to include emotion in your outline and synopsis; * tips and tricks to effectively convey emotion; * the role of emotion in the query letter; and * the importance of emotional context the first ten pages (or: How soon should I introduce emotion?).
PLUS CeCe will host a live, cozy Q&A session on Monday, August 12th at 8 pm ET in which attendees can turn on their camera (optional) and ask CeCe questions. If you cannot attend the live Q&A session, you are welcome to submit your questions during the webinar on August 8th. Writers of all categories and genres are invited to attend. If you cannot attend live but wish to watch the webinar, please sign up as the recording will be emailed to you 24hr later. Recordings will be available to the viewer for one month. CeCe Lyra is an agent at P.S. Literary Agency, but her work on this webinar is not affiliated with the agency, and the views expressed on this webinar are solely that of CeCe and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, and/or position of P.S. Literary Agency.
Fee: $69