Writing the Perfect First Five Pages

Literary agents are tasked with recognizing great books quickly, which is why the importance of the first 5 pages of a story cannot be overestimated. No matter the genre, the perfect first 5 pages will draw your readers in from the very start and compel them to read on.
Join literary agents Carly Watters and CeCe Lyra — co-hosts of the segment ‘Books with Hooks’ of the Sh*t No One Tells You About Writing podcast — as they guide you through the process of writing attention-grabbing first 5 pages.
The 2-hour workshop will cover how to write the perfect first 5 pages, including:
- what goes into a powerful opener
- establishing a unique perspective
- essentials of a strong opening scene
- the inciting incident (does it need to happen in the first 5 pages?)
- prologue vs. chapter one (does it make a difference?)
- popular beginning tropes (when to lean in, when to avoid
- common mistakes in the first 5 pages (and what to do to instead)
- tips and tricks to hooking your reader from the very first page
- how to tell if you’re starting at the right place
- goof proof checklist: making sure you’ve got it all covered
- should my query letter start in the same place as my story?
- Q&A session. Writers of all categories and genres are invited to attend.
If you cannot attend live but wish to watch the webinar, please sign up as the recording will be emailed to you 24hr later.
Cost: $69