Goblin Girl by Mikala Ash

Goblin Girl by Mikala Ash Empire of the Sky 4 Nancy Lea is the Lunarian envoy to Queen Victoria. She and Jacob McCleary come to Earth with a deadly warning from Mon Ilson, the Emperor of Space. At an isolated airfield in the midst of a raging storm, Nancy is cruelly...

The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst The Spellshop is Sarah Beth Durst’s romantasy debut–a lush cottagecore tale full of stolen spellbooks, unexpected friendships, sweet jams, and even sweeter love. Join Kiela the librarian and her assistant, Caz the sentient spider...

Embrace The Lace by Shannon MacLeod

Embrace The Lace by Shannon MacLeod In the rugged highlands of 17th-century Scotland, Andrew MacIver has to deal with a crumbling castle, a comically inept cook, and a dangerous power-hungry uncle. At twenty-five, Andrew is already a widower and the chieftain of his...